Freight Cluster Plan
Project Overview
The Metro South CID (MSCID) Freight Cluster Plan (FCP) is being carried out as a part of the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) Freight Cluster Plan program. ARC’s program focuses on facilitating efficient freight movement, improving access to jobs, reducing traffic congestion, addressing changes in the freight industry, and improving safety, mobility, and access for all roadway users.
The MSCID Plan will specifically accomplish the following:
- Identify and program transportation improvements specific to freight.
- Promote efficient transportation solutions.
- Identify land uses and target industries that support compatible future growth and development.
- Engage the private sector and surrounding community.
- Promote economic development.
For more information, visit the Freight Cluster Plan project page.
Learn More and Participate
Various strategies with MSCID members, area freight stakeholders, and the broader community in and around the study area will take place. Opportunities for engagement will be convenient, strategically oriented for maximum interaction and feedback, and respectful of participants’ time commitments.
Public Information Forums
Two public information forums will be held throughout the study to share project information with the area stakeholders and nearby communities. All are welcome and encouraged to join. These sessions will be informational and will provide for questions from participants with feedback from the study team. Check back closer to forum dates or contact us at to access information and provide feedback.
- The first forum (July 2021) will share both findings from the study of best practices in the freight industry and the inventory and assessment of existing freight conditions on the ground within and around the MSCID.
- The second forum (November 2021) will provide an overview of and opportunity to review and provide feedback on recommendations that may impact surrounding areas.
Input Surveys
Three distinct surveys will be carried out and targeted to either truck drivers or stakeholders who live and work in the study area, as detailed below. Survey participation details will be posted at a later date.
Steering Committee Meetings
The Steering Committee members represent a broad range of MSCID stakeholder perspectives. The members include property owners, local governments, freight providers and multiple businesses. This committee serves as champions for the Plan process. There will be three Steering Committee Meetings:
- Meeting 1 (March 2021):
- Meeting 2 (July 2021):
- Meeting 3 (January 2022):
Focus Group Discussions
Up to three small focus group discussions will target particular needs or opportunities. These focused discussions intend to uncover unique issues through a series of questions. These discussions will occur at the mid-point of the project, estimated to be during the summer months of 2021. Potential focus group discussions include:
- Truck parking
- Workforce mobility
- Land use compatibility with surrounding areas
- Emerging technology and area freight
Interested in participating in focus group discussions? Reach out to us via the Contact Us section at the bottom of this page.
Executive Director Larry Kaiser delivered a presentation to the Atlanta Regional Commission on June 3, 2022. Click here to view the presentation that provides an overview of the project status, recommended work program and next steps.
What is a Freight Cluster Plan? The 2016 Atlanta Regional Freight Mobility Plan Update identified the need to conduct local, small area freight planning in the Atlanta region to address transportation issues related to this key part of the region’s economy. As a result, the ARC established the Freight Cluster Plan Program to provide funding for local planning with a focus on freight movement. The MSCID is among a handful of areas within the Atlanta region to receive funding through the program to date.
How was this study paid for? This Freight Cluster Plan was funded 80% with Federal dollars administered by the ARC and paid to the MSCID for their use in managing the plan. The MSCID provides local matching funds for the remaining 20% of the award amount.
When will the Plan be complete? The Plan is scheduled for adoption by the MSCID in March 2022 followed up by adoption by the DeKalb County. Please see the project schedule for the tentative planning timeline.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments, please email the project team at