Have questions about the CID? We may have an answer!
Millage rate is currently 5 mils. The rate is reviewed and approved annually.
The Metro South CID has 142 Members holding 218 parcels covering more than 400 acres in southwestern DeKalb County.
The CID uses various consultants and contractors to manage the projects it undertakes in the CID area. Where appropriate, the CID applies for grants and donations leveraging their own funds at approximately five or six to one, i.e. for every dollar the CID spends on projects, other organizations (such as DeKalb County, Georgia Department of Transportation, the Atlanta Regional Commission to name a few) contribute five or six dollars towards funding a Project.
You need to own property in southwestern DeKalb. Contact Larry Kaiser or John Kranjc for more information.
Larry Kaiser: larry@metrosouthcid.com
John Kranjc: kranjcj@bellsouth.net